Friday, October 21, 2016

Backpack Diaper Bag

We knew once Della was born we would want a new diaper bag. Our old one was great, but it was definitely a diaper bag for a one-kid family. Even though with just one kid we had ours stuffed to the brim. Our shoulders were killing us. I wanted a backpack style bag so I could have both hands free to meet the demands of both of my littles. 

So the search began! And then ended just as abruptly when all I could find in the backpack style (that I liked) were $100+. Right now in our lives, we are absolutely not $100+ diaper bag people. Sadly. There was a specific bag I wanted at Target for like 40 bucks that was, of course, ALWAYS out of stock. I even looked at regular backpacks, but I really wanted all the nifty pockets and compartments that diaper bags I gave up for awhile.

A couple weeks before baby girl was born I remembered, DUH, I hadn't checked Amazon. Where was my head?! I blame the last month of pregnancy and the temporary (is it though?) insanity that it brings. I logged on, found THIS beauty, and snagged it up! 

I don't know this company. I'm not even sure what the company is called, haha. I've googled and instagramed and can't really find anything. But talk about a well-kept secret! These babies are just as fashionable, in my opinion, as their more expensive rivals, and a heck of a lot cheaper. $34.99 with free shipping to be exact! Plus, I'm a sucker for polka-dots. Just ask my husband, they get me every time.

 That face chub though!!

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