Monday, February 27, 2017

What's In a Name & Why I Blog

I've been wanting to write this post for awhile now, but to be quite honest, I just haven't had the time! Taking care of two littles is no joke...and they barely outnumber me, you mamas doing more than that simply astound me! 

But, back on topic (sheesh, we're only 2 sentences in and I'm already rambling *heavy sigh*), today I want to talk about my blog handle: Mrs Mormon Mommy. When I first started blogging it was simply because sometimes I felt like I had something I REALLY needed to get out of me. It's so selfish (like anyone cares what I have to say?!) but sometimes I just needed to be heard, y'know? So my blog started out as Musings of Misha, or something like that. But I kind of hated it. So I knew eventually I would change the name, and then one night I had a dream. Haha, so cheese-tastic! But I seriously had a dream that I changed the name to "Mrs Mormon Mommy". I woke up and immediately checked if that name was available on all my social platforms, and it was, so I switched. 

Looking back now, maybe I should have hesitated a little. Because after awhile I started to feel a little uncomfortable with it. I started to wonder how people would perceive this name. "Mrs Mormon Mommy" was intended to be the things that I feel represent me the best. Not the things that I necessarily represent, and definitely not the things that I'm the best at. 

But here's the thing, I love being a Mrs. I love my husband and I couldn't be more proud to call myself his wife. I love being a Mormon. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (did ya sing it with me??) or our more well-known nickname: mormons. I am a daughter of God and that simply amazes me every time I say it. And finally I love being a mother. I can't even define how much I love being a mom to my two babes: Everett & Adella. It wasn't an easy road to motherhood for me, as I'm sure most mother's and mothers-to-be out there can relate. 

So there it is, I won't be changing my blog name because that would mean trying to change who I am.

But here's what that name doesn't mean to me: 
1. I'm not an expert on being a wife.
2. I'm not an expert on being a mormon.
3. I'm definitely not an expert on being a mother.

You won't find me giving advice in any of these categories very often, if at all. But if you'd like to stumble along with me in my journey of trying to better myself in all of these areas, then by all means, hop on this crazy train! I'm sure glad to have some friends along for the ride!

With all that said, I'd also like to say a couple things on blogging in general. I think sometimes it can get a bad rap. And I think that, because sometimes I totally agree with all the people out there who hate blogs. I cannot tell you how many times I've thought, that's it, I'm shutting it down! (But my husband probably could, since he has the fun job of talking me out of it every time). Simply because I can feel myself getting wrapped up in the dark side of blogging. To me that means feeling like I need more to be able to keep up with all the things other amazing bloggers are doing. But I can't do that, because I won't. Don't get me wrong, I love fashion and make-up and home decor and shoes and shoes and shoes (wait, what?) as much as the next girl, but I can't let that define me. Because then I feel sad and empty. That's just me. But since this blog is mine, I intend to only be me here. Because it's not a whole heck of a lot of fun to pretend to be someone else anyway, now is it? Listen, you're going to see all of those things here (fashion, make-up, maybe some home decor among other things) because I really like 'em, and they're my creative outlet! But at the end of the day, they could all be gone and as long as I still have my family and faith, I'd be just fine with it. I'm not living for shoes and make-up and those things alone could never make me happy.

So why blog at all? Well, between you and me (anyone out there who decides to read this on the internet...) when I was pregnant with Della, I started to struggle with depression. I'm not sure if it was the hormones of my body making another set of lady parts inside of me, or the fact that I was very sick every day for 9 months, or something else I can't explain, but I was in a very dark place. I'm extremely blessed to have an amazing family and (extra especially) a husband who helped me through it all. But apart from that, Jesus and blogs pulled me out of it. And I don't mean for that to sound crass, it's just true. I would wake up and pray to make it through another day and then in between trips to and from the bathroom to puke (or sometimes on the bathroom floor), I would read blogs. I loved seeing moms with their children, finding joy in the every day journey. I loved being able to relate. I so needed that. I loved being able to tell myself that there was light ahead. That my little girl would soon be here and I would be able to find joy again in being a mother to the two beautiful spirits God entrusted me with. I loved looking at cute clothes and finding make-up ideas and being able to tell myself that someday soon I would have the energy for that again. That I would be able to create and find joy in that again. Sure it's simple, but it's something I've always loved doing that, at the time, I just couldn't. I needed to live vicariously through others. I needed to find the light and happiness out there that I simply couldn't create for myself at that time.

So now I want to be that for someone. I want to spread as much joy in this world that I can, in any way that I can. And while I can promise you that my life is not always joyful, it is still amazing to be living it. So live your life. Enjoy being you. And know that there is light ahead & that God loves you immensely! I'm excited for what's ahead for both of us & I hope to see you here again soon!


  1. Love it Mish! It's totally you and a perfect reminder of what's important in this life!

  2. Loved this post! Thanks for starting a blog! I love reading about it and think you are inspiring!
