Friday, November 13, 2015

I Steal My Husband's Clothes

I think it was when I was about 7 months pregnant that I went to my closet one day and sighed a heavy sigh. Sure, I had maternity clothes I could wear, but I missed being able to just throw something on. I went through shirt after shirt: too tight, too short, etc. And then I happened to glance over at the forbidden side of the closet. It was like a slightly bigger wardrobe had been waiting for me there all along! I heard the Hallelujah Chorus as I slipped on one of the hubby's sweatshirts and I haven't looked back. 

So obviously I'm not pregnant anymore, cause you're not preggers forever...(that third trimester tho...). And yet I still find myself occasionally wandering over to the left side of the closet. Though it has fewer selections in its crammed space (I've tried to kick him out, we just don't have a(n) gigantic mansion extra closet yet...poor husband), there's something about it that draws me in. I think everyone has those times when your clothes just aren't cuttin' it. Usually you go shopping, but unfortunately that's not always possible for us poor old college kids...and I say old because we're significantly older than most college kids. We're doing life backwards, it's more fun that way. SO the husband's closet is like a palate cleanser for me. I get all inspirational when I look at his clothes, it gets my fashion juices flowing again without breaking the bank. 

I'm sure you're wondering how he feels about all this. I'm extremely blessed to be the wife of a man who is incredibly easy going. In fact, he tells me how cute I look in his clothes, so it's good for our marriage, so really it's a selfless act of love to steal his clothes. However, I think he's been hiding a certain pair of sweatpants from me as of late... 

And finally, if I haven't convinced you already that this is the best idea ever, let me let you in on a little secret: they use different material when they make men's clothes. They import the cotton straight from heaven. It's like 100x softer, and 1000x unfair. 

Lately they've been making women's t-shirts like men's anyway: the boyfriend tee. I know because I went shopping with my sister and showed her a shirt I was in love with, to which she replied "Oh, I saw those but I thought that was the boys section..." 

A squirrel had seriously just jetted across the top of the fence behind me, I was impressed.

Necklace: Wait for it....wait FOR IT...Walmart. Yep. I sifted through a bunch of 90's junk for you online and couldn't find it. But it was recently bought, so if you want to go check out your local Wally World's necklace selection I won't tell anyone...

Bonus: I'm LOVING this shade and formula of lipstick lately. The wine-y color is perfect for Fall.

Have fun raiding your sig oths (Schmidt, New Girl...anyone?) closet. Or shopping in the men's department, I won't judge.

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