Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Hello friends! I just wanted to take a minute today to talk about where we are in our lives right now. From time to time I plan to do "Currently" posts to talk about the cute things my kids are doing/saying and possibly products or clothes we're loving! I'm trying to be better about blogging more consistently while still making sure my kiddos are my first priority. It's a real juggling act, I tell ya! But I have a minute to spare right now. And seriously, the moment I started typing that my daughter started with the poop grunts. So we'll see how this turns out, haha.

Oh, today is my birthday! I woke up this morning and seriously forgot. My husband handed me a card and I think I worried him with the seriously confused look on my face! I guess this is what happens when you turn 27? My friends and family have been awesome at making me feel loved, but I seriously can't remember things anymore!

Everett has been just the best lately. He is a great listener, and has been so quick to give out hugs! I'm sure I just jinxed it, but I hope & pray it never ends! He's actually listening the very first time I ask him to do something. We must be in the twilight zone. But I love it. 

Also, Everett's decided to join the dark side and rule the galaxy. His dad and uncle (who bought him this awesome Vader mask) fully support his decision, but I'm not so sure. Everett told me the other day he finds my lack of faith disturbing, so I'm trying to be more on board. I don't know...I guess if he's happy. He wears his "Darth Gator" mask around the house most of the day, and it's pretty much the best thing ever.

Della must be teething. Everything goes in her mouth. The other day I tried to kiss her and she started chewing on my lips. She's constantly blowing raspberries & drooling. The best part is how proud she looks at herself when we wipe up her face from all the excess spit. She's finally starting to get the eating thing down, but we're still worried about food allergies. Her eczema is pretty awful, the poor thing. We have an appointment for her soon, so hopefully we'll figure out what it's all about. I'm praying SO hard it isn't food allergies. Because I'm so lazy guys. So. Lazy.

Aaron got an A on one of his tests! Which isn't really news because he usually gets good grades, but I'm not sure what else to say, haha. He does homework...a lot. Poor guy is forever sleep deprived, but I'm so grateful for all the hard work he does for our family! His weekends are devoted to playing with his kids and, knowing how tired he is, I'm incredibly in awe of him. He always goes out of his way to make sure they feel his love and support.
 All outfit deets:
Necklace - Forever 21 and for the life of me I cannot find it online!

Shirt - H&M in store (similar online)

Shoes (the only baby shoes we've had that STAY ON!!) - Robeez in store (similar online)

So that's that! Thanks for following along with our family!


  1. I found you off of instagram because I just recently added my blog to my profile as well and was looking for other mama bloggers. I had a fun time checking out your blog. Your kids are adorable! Especially love Everett in this post!!

    1. Thanks Hannah! Glad to meet a fellow mommy blogger!
