Saturday, December 31, 2016

You're Mine. Mine to Me.

The other night after the kids were in bed we watched The (live action) Jungle Book (on Netflix, *squeal*) and I was hit with something pretty heavy. This is not surprising since I was watching a Disney movie and they tend to give me all the feels. But I felt heavy with the worst kind of guilt. Mom guilt. If you haven't seen the movie (what are you?!) there's a part where the mama wolf fiercely says in defense of her man cub: "You're mine. Mine to me." In true Disney-fanatic form I got goosebumps and showed them off to my husband. We do nerdy stuff like that. But, more importantly, in that moment I realized that I wasn't being the mother I wanted to be. And not in the way that the do-it-all mom (which I am not *sighhh*) tells herself she can do more. No. I really saw myself clearly and realized how deeply I was failing my son.

They tell you making the jump from 1 to 2 kids is harder than the initial jump from 0 to 1. Did they tell you that? Well they told me that. And I thought, Seriously? How can that possibly be? Well, lemme tell ya, it can be. My life as a first time mother was pretty dreamy. With one baby in the house I followed the advice: "sleep when your baby sleeps" with ease. I did dishes while Everett laid on a blanket nearby. I took showers while peeking out of the curtain at him in his rock-n-play. I had all the attention in the world for every one of my baby's milestones. 

After having Della I was amazed at how my heart could hold so much love for both of my kiddos. I've talked about this phenomenon before. But I quickly found that my time was not so easily divided. Sleeping while baby sleeps is now not an option as my toddler begs me "Mommy, play cars!". Dishes pile up...and I'm now without a dishwasher, so it's more infinitely a pain in the butt. And, showers? Showers, What does this word mean? Excuse me one moment while I go look it up in the dictionary. 

On top of this my sweet Della girl has been diagnosed with silent reflux, so while she's the cutest baby around, a lot of times she certainly isn't the happiest. 

Some days I can physically see the strain this is having on Everett. The guilt that comes with that is as thick as a rain cloud. To try to calm Della down I would sing, "You Are My Sunshine" because, frankly, it's one of the only songs I know all the words to. One day Everett heard me singing to her and said "No Mommy! That Everett's song!" He definitely had a point since I had been singing this to him before every nap since his birth, so I tried another song: "When You Wish Upon a Star" today. He came out of the kitchen, eyes wet, and said desperately "No! Don't sing that, that Everett's Disney/Mickey song!" I thought it was the saddest, sweetest thing. Gut wrenching. I'm going to find a new song for Della.

I know I can't fix these things on my own. I have to turn to the Lord and ask for guidance. I've often heard it said that kids don't come with an instruction manual. But I've found that they do: prayer. So I asked how to help my sweet Everett. And with soft, simple nudges the answers came. Della's asleep, get out the play-doh with Everett. So I did, and OH the way his eyes lit up! I kept my heart in tune and more answers came:

It doesn't really matter which shirt he wears, let him choose. He wants to practice making decisions. 

Don't get upset, he's struggling and needs to know you understand how he's feeling.

Make sure he knows you love him today. Tell him now.

Give him time.


I know each day will continue to be a struggle. It's not easy. But I want my kids to know they can trust me and come to me with their problems to feel my love. Today, tomorrow, when they're teenagers (yikes) and in 20 years. I want them to both feel individually loved and important. I want them to feel God's love for them through me. Because they are mine. 
Mine to me.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

One Big Happy Wonderland with Gymboree

I remember vividly my father reading The Polar Express on Christmas Eve when I was little. Everything was silent except for the sound of the thick, colorful pages turning and his gentle voice reading each world with a quiet kind of reverence. Because it was Christmas, it felt different than all the other times I listened to him read a bedtime story. It was magical.

Because of this I knew that when I had a family of my own I would want to create these special memories for my children as well. Everett is finally old enough to really get into the Christmas season this year and I. CAN'T. WAIT. 

I've touched on this briefly before, but I'm one of those people (you probably hate) that gets the Christmas music out right after Halloween, and decorates my house for Christmas weeks before Thanksgiving. I just feel like there isn't enough time to relish in that sweet Christmas feeling unless I start early!

So this year I've got our Christmas traditions all lined up and ready to go! We've already watched "White Christmas" ("Elf" is next) and decorated with hot cocoa and Christmas music. And on Christmas Eve we'll open our Gymmies (PJ's from Gymboree!) and we'll unwrap a special Christmas book and read it together before bed.

I hope that my children will be able to have the same sweet memories of the holiday season that I do. It's so fun to create these moments for them! And on that note, if you're looking to make your own fun holiday memories with your family, be sure to visit Gymboree in store from December 1st - December 10th. They're helping to make the holiday's extra special with a fun scratcher at checkout! The scratcher could inspire family game night with a Mattel Prize Pack of Uno, Apples to Apples and Pictionary plus $50 to for Gymmies to outfit the evening! Or a gift basket of Mrs. Fields Cookies - how perfect for Santa?! Or, a shopping trip treat with a Free Auntie Anne’s Classic Pretzel (if you're like me, a good snack is essential when shopping). AND two lucky customers will be treated to their next holiday vacation, with a Club Med all-inclusive family vacation! Every scratcher will reveal an exciting surprise! So be sure to head into Gymboree for your Holiday shopping and (bonus!) scratcher fun!

And thanks to Gymboree, we got to take some fun family pictures in our holiday gear. Another fun memory we've made this season! We love their comfy & affordable clothes for our kiddos. I'm still swooning over their fawn outfits and am so excited to have one for Adella! Thanks Gymboree!

 My little Superman! Haha!

 And my sweet little fawn.

"Blue Steel" baby!

Shop Everett's look:

Shop Adella's look:

Friday, November 4, 2016

Crown Braid for Short/Medium Hair

Alright, let's jump right in!
I usually do this hair style when I haven't washed my hair for a few days. That way my hair doesn't look a mess, but it also means I can go another day without washing it. So I use my trusty dry shampoo to keep it looking clean. 
With a teaser-brush (pictured above) I give the hair around the crown of my head a bit of love. Some people have naturally round/perfect heads (can you sense my jealousy??) and can skip this step. But I have a flat spot and just like the way it looks a little better when it's messy/puffed up. 

After everything is all teased I use the same brush to gently comb over the top to make it look a tiny bit neater. 
Next I roughly part my hair down the middle. You don't need a precise part because it won't even show when we're all finished. If you want you can secure the side you're not braiding with a hair tie so you keep all the hair where it should be.
 Start with 3 strands and begin the braid.
I'm doing a dutch braid here, meaning that instead of pulling the hair strands over each other like you would in a french braid, I'm pulling them under. 
 If you're not a master at braiding your own hair, I PROMISE you can get better! Practice makes perfect. I used to suck, and some days I still do. But the more I do it the smoother it goes. Literally. Check out YouTube for some dutch braiding tutorials and you'll be a master in no time.
This step makes all the difference. Starting at the bottom of the braid (and with one hand holding the bottom to hold your braid together) gently pull at each strand to make the braid appear bigger/more full than it is.  
 Go all the way up to the beginning of the braid gently pulling each strand until it's nice and fluffy. Be careful not to pull too hard or too much hair or the braid will fall apart. After this, secure with a rubber band.
Same thing for the other side! 
Now comes the somewhat frustrating part. I recommend using a small hand mirror to first decide where you want to put your bobby pins the first couple times you do this.  
 Pull braid number one to the other side, gently pull braid number two over it while tucking braid number one underneath to hide the end of the braid and your rubber band. Since we pulled & fluffed individual strands of the braid in the steps above it will make it easier to tuck and hide the parts we don't want to see, making the braids look continuous. 
  I use 2 bobby pins to secure the braid about an inch apart so that all of the end of the hair is hidden and the braid stays in place.
Repeat with the other side. See how our part has mostly disappeared?  
 Exact same steps as above! I push my bobby pins straight down and try to keep them hidden under my hair. This takes practice too, so try not to get frustrated if it doesn't go right the first time. 
I always pull out some strands around my face and pull and tug on my hair in areas it's looking flatter. Eventually I get it where I want it. 

And there you have it! A crown braid for all my short/medium haired ladies. It's nice to have an alternate for my go-to top knot every now and again. If you end up trying this out I would love to see, use the hashtag #mrsmormonmommy 

Follow me on Instagram! @mrsmormonmommy

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Holiday Pictures with Crazy 8

Halloween is my absolute favorite. Mostly because it sets off the holiday season, and also because: candy. 'Nuff said. But every year I've found that right after Halloween I have to start thinking about Christmas cards or it just. doesn't. happen. I love getting our babes all dressed up for photos and having those precious keepsakes to look back on every year! 

This year I teamed up with Crazy 8 to bring you Everett's holiday picture look! We love Crazy 8, it's one of those stores my husband dreads me going into because he knows I'm always going to find a ton of deals in there. And I can't say no to a deal...I've tried. Plus, they have so many different styles to choose from that I feel like I can always find something Everett will be comfortable (as well as adorable) in. And is it just me, or is it getting harder and harder to find dressier outfits for boys?? Anyway, that was not an issue this year! Thanks again to Crazy 8 for sponsoring this post!

Shop Everett's look:

They also have the *cutest* clothes for girls, and just as soon as Della is able to fit into them I'm going to go a little crazy. Sorry Hubs.

Shop Adella's look:

Be sure to check out Crazy 8 and let me know your favorite styles! Is it too early to say "Happy Holidays"? I don't care, Happy Holidays! (I'm that person who LOVES when Christmas decorations come out in can hate me, haha.) And happy shopping!

Follow me on instagram! @mrsmormonmommy

Friday, October 21, 2016

Backpack Diaper Bag

We knew once Della was born we would want a new diaper bag. Our old one was great, but it was definitely a diaper bag for a one-kid family. Even though with just one kid we had ours stuffed to the brim. Our shoulders were killing us. I wanted a backpack style bag so I could have both hands free to meet the demands of both of my littles. 

So the search began! And then ended just as abruptly when all I could find in the backpack style (that I liked) were $100+. Right now in our lives, we are absolutely not $100+ diaper bag people. Sadly. There was a specific bag I wanted at Target for like 40 bucks that was, of course, ALWAYS out of stock. I even looked at regular backpacks, but I really wanted all the nifty pockets and compartments that diaper bags I gave up for awhile.

A couple weeks before baby girl was born I remembered, DUH, I hadn't checked Amazon. Where was my head?! I blame the last month of pregnancy and the temporary (is it though?) insanity that it brings. I logged on, found THIS beauty, and snagged it up! 

I don't know this company. I'm not even sure what the company is called, haha. I've googled and instagramed and can't really find anything. But talk about a well-kept secret! These babies are just as fashionable, in my opinion, as their more expensive rivals, and a heck of a lot cheaper. $34.99 with free shipping to be exact! Plus, I'm a sucker for polka-dots. Just ask my husband, they get me every time.

 That face chub though!!

Follow me on Instagram: @mrsmormonmommy